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100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 : ASTM International, 1980.
ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Computer Automation of Materials Testing
BC Wonsiewicz
BC Wonsiewicz
Bell Laboratories
, Holmdel, N. J. 07733
; symposium chairman and editor
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ASTM International
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Documents an important stage in the evolution of the computer automated testing lab. Consists of 15 papers that serve as both an overview and a detailed look at computer automation in the materials science lab.
Wonsiewicz, B.
Computer Automation of Materials Testing. ISBN-10: 0-8031-0267-4
ISBN: 978-0-8031-0267-5
No. of Pages: 232
ISBN (electronic): 978-0-8031-4778-2
Publisher: ASTM International
Published: 1980
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Table of Contents
IntroductionByBC WonsiewiczBC Wonsiewicz1Bell Laboratories,Holmdel, N. J. 07733;symposium chairman and editor.Search for other works by this author on:
Systems for Laboratory AutomationByBC Wonsiewicz,BC Wonsiewicz1Member of technical staff,Bell Laboratories,Holmdel, N. J. 07733.Search for other works by this author on:AR Storm,AR Storm2Associate member of technical staff,Bell Laboratories,Murray Hill, N. J. 07974.Search for other works by this author on:JD SieberJD Sieber3Graduate student,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Cambridge, Mass. 01239.Search for other works by this author on:
Bridging the Hardware-Software Gap in Instrument ControlByRJ Betsch,RJ Betsch1Senior research technologist and associate professor of Computer Science, respectively,Materials Research Laboratory, Pennsylvania State University,University Park, Pa. 16802. Mr. Betsch is presently employed by Honeywell at theirCeramics Science Center in Minneapolis,Minn. 55422.Search for other works by this author on:GG Johnson, JrGG Johnson, Jr1Senior research technologist and associate professor of Computer Science, respectively,Materials Research Laboratory, Pennsylvania State University,University Park, Pa. 16802. Mr. Betsch is presently employed by Honeywell at theirCeramics Science Center in Minneapolis,Minn. 55422.Search for other works by this author on:
Software for a General Purpose Materials Testing Computer System Using a Real-Time Multitasking ExecutiveByML Bushnell,ML Bushnell1Senior systems programmer and manager,Software Systems, Instron Corp.,Canton, Mass. 02021.Search for other works by this author on:LK SistersonLK Sisterson1Senior systems programmer and manager,Software Systems, Instron Corp.,Canton, Mass. 02021.Search for other works by this author on:
Hardware for a General Purpose Materials Testing Computer System Using a Distributed Parallel Processing ArchitectureByR NisarR Nisar1Design engineer,Instron Corp.,Canton, Mass. 02021.Search for other works by this author on:
A Generalized Laboratory Automation Scheme for a Group of Different Analytical InstrumentsBySE Stern,SE Stern1Graduate student, Computer Science, and associate professor of computer science,Materials Research Laboratory, Pennsylvania State University,University Park, Pa. 16802.Search for other works by this author on:GG Johnson, JrGG Johnson, Jr1Graduate student, Computer Science, and associate professor of computer science,Materials Research Laboratory, Pennsylvania State University,University Park, Pa. 16802.Search for other works by this author on:
Comparison of Some Data Acquisition SystemsByGL LinkGL Link1Member of technical staff,Bell Laboratories,Murray Hill, N. J. 07974.Search for other works by this author on:
Materials Testing in an Automated LaboratoryByPL Key,PL Key1Member of technical staff, graduate student, associate member of technical staff, and member of technical staff,Bell Laboratories,Murray Hill, N. J. 07974.Search for other works by this author on:JD Sieber,JD Sieber1Member of technical staff, graduate student, associate member of technical staff, and member of technical staff,Bell Laboratories,Murray Hill, N. J. 07974.Search for other works by this author on:AR Storm,AR Storm1Member of technical staff, graduate student, associate member of technical staff, and member of technical staff,Bell Laboratories,Murray Hill, N. J. 07974.Search for other works by this author on:BC WonsiewiczBC Wonsiewicz1Member of technical staff, graduate student, associate member of technical staff, and member of technical staff,Bell Laboratories,Murray Hill, N. J. 07974.Search for other works by this author on:
Design, Implementation, and Control of a Computerized Tension Testing StationByRR EmeryRR Emery1Research specialist,Re-entry Systems Materials Engineering, Lockheed Missiles and Space Co.,Sunnyvale, Calif. 94088.Search for other works by this author on:
Computerized Methods for JIc Determination Using Unloading Compliance TechniquesByGA Clarke,GA Clarke1Senior engineer,Structural Behavior of Materials Department, Westinghouse Research and Development Center,Pittsburgh, Pa. 15235.Search for other works by this author on:GM BrownGM Brown2Senior technician,Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University,Princeton, N.J.Search for other works by this author on:
A Computerized Data Acquisition System for High-Temperature, Pressurized-Water, Fatigue Test FacilityByWH Cullen,WH Cullen1Metallurgist and mechanical engineersrespectively,Naval Research Laboratory,Washington, D.C. 20375.Search for other works by this author on:BH Menke,BH Menke1Metallurgist and mechanical engineersrespectively,Naval Research Laboratory,Washington, D.C. 20375.Search for other works by this author on:HE Watson,HE Watson1Metallurgist and mechanical engineersrespectively,Naval Research Laboratory,Washington, D.C. 20375.Search for other works by this author on:FJ LossFJ Loss1Metallurgist and mechanical engineersrespectively,Naval Research Laboratory,Washington, D.C. 20375.Search for other works by this author on:
Automated Determination of Impact Absorbed Energy with a Velocity Detection SystemBySG Wogulis,SG Wogulis1Director, Engineering and Manufacturing and director, Marketing and Technical Development, respectively,Effects Technology, Inc.,Santa Barbara, Calif. 93111.Search for other works by this author on:DR IrelandDR Ireland1Director, Engineering and Manufacturing and director, Marketing and Technical Development, respectively,Effects Technology, Inc.,Santa Barbara, Calif. 93111.Search for other works by this author on:
Automated Data Acquisition and Analysis for the Instrumented Impact TestBySG Wogulis,SG Wogulis1Director, Engineering and Manufacturing; technical staff member; and director,Marketing and Technical Development; Effects Technology, Inc.,Santa Barbara, Calif. 93111.Search for other works by this author on:BW Whitney,BW Whitney1Director, Engineering and Manufacturing; technical staff member; and director,Marketing and Technical Development; Effects Technology, Inc.,Santa Barbara, Calif. 93111.Search for other works by this author on:DR IrelandDR Ireland1Director, Engineering and Manufacturing; technical staff member; and director,Marketing and Technical Development; Effects Technology, Inc.,Santa Barbara, Calif. 93111.Search for other works by this author on:
Computer Assisted Impact TestingByCG Interrante,CG Interrante1Metallurgist and physicist, respectively,National Bureau of Standards,Washington, D.C. 20234.Search for other works by this author on:SR LowSR Low1Metallurgist and physicist, respectively,National Bureau of Standards,Washington, D.C. 20234.Search for other works by this author on:
CAUS-1 (Computer-Aided Ultrasonic System)ByJE Doherty,JE Doherty1Pratt and Whitney Aircraft,Middletown, Conn. 06457.Search for other works by this author on:JM LaGrotta,JM LaGrotta1Pratt and Whitney Aircraft,Middletown, Conn. 06457.Search for other works by this author on:RJ Burr,RJ Burr1Pratt and Whitney Aircraft,Middletown, Conn. 06457.Search for other works by this author on:E WheelerE Wheeler2Air Force Materials Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base,Ohio 45433.Search for other works by this author on:
SummaryByBC WonsiewiczBC Wonsiewicz1Bell Laboratories,Holmdel, N. J. 07733;symposium, chairman and editor.Search for other works by this author on:
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© 1980
ASTM International