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ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Optical Interferograms—Reduction and Interpretation
AH Guenther
AH Guenther
Air Force Weapons Laboratory, Kirtland Air Force Base
N. Mex.
symposium chairman and editor
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DH Liebenberg
DH Liebenberg
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory
Los Alamos, N. Mex.
symposium chairman and editor
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No. of Pages:
ASTM International
Publication date:

This paper deals with an interferogram processing system which allows the rapid analysis of interferograms that have been recorded photographically.

The processing techniques can be broken down into two major areas. These are the areas of fringe detection and data reduction. A discussion of procedures used in each area will be presented, as well as the limitations of existing techniques and suggestions for areas of improvement in the process.

The existing interferogram analysis facility at the Perkin-Elmer Corp. utilizes film-scanning devices that transmit data to a dedicated digital computer, either on-line or by the use of magnetic tape. The selection of the best scanner for a given application is determined by evaluating many parameters, such as the required sampling density, precision and accuracy requirements, fringe curvature, and photographic quality. The relation of these parameters to this selection process will be described.

The computer software system has been designed to allow evaluation of selected optical performance characteristics which are of interest to a manufacturing facility. The software is designed for ease of expansion as new requirements are defined.

A general summary comparing manual reduction techniques to semiautomated computer techniques concludes the paper.

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