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ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Fatigue of Composite Materials
JR Hancock
JR Hancock
symposium chairman
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ASTM International
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eBook Chapter
Debond Propagation in Composite-Reinforced Metals
GL Roderick
GL Roderick
Aerospace technologists
, United States Army Air Mobility Research and Development Laboratory-Langley Directorate, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Langley Research Center
, Hampton, Va. 23665
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RA Everett
RA Everett
Aerospace technologists
, United States Army Air Mobility Research and Development Laboratory-Langley Directorate, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Langley Research Center
, Hampton, Va. 23665
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JH Crews, Jr
JH Crews, Jr
Aerospace technologist
, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Langley Research Center
, Hampton, Va. 23665
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Page Count:
Roderick, G, Everett, R, & Crews, J, Jr. "Debond Propagation in Composite-Reinforced Metals." Fatigue of Composite Materials. Ed. Hancock, J. 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 : ASTM International, 1975.
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Strain energy release rates were used to correlate cyclic debonding between metal sheets and composite reinforcement. An expression for the strain energy release rate was derived and applied to fatigue test results for three material systems: graphite bonded to aluminum with both a room temperature and an elevated temperature curing adhesive; and, S-glass bonded to aluminum with an elevated temperature curing adhesive. For each material system, specimens of several thicknesses were tested with a range of fatigue loads. Cyclic debonding was monitored using a photoelastic technique. A close correlation was found between the observed debond rates and the calculated strain energy release rates for each material system.
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and June
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,” NASA CR 112110, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
, 1972
, B.
and McCarty
, J. E.
, “Analytical and Experimental Investigation of Aircraft Metal Structures Reinforced with Filamentary Composites
,” NASA CR 2039, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
, 1972
, E. A.
, “The International System of Units
,” NASA SP-7012, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
, 1969
, P. C.
and Sih
, G. C.
, in Fracture Symposium on Toughness Testing and Its Applications, ASTM STP 381
, American Society for Testing and Materials
, 1965
, pp. 30–38.5.
, P. C.
, “The Fracture Mechanics Approach to Fatigue
,” Sagmore Army Materials Research Conference, 08
, p. 116.6.
, B. A.
and Werner
, Jeromeh
, Theory of Thermal Stresses
, Wiley
, New York
, 1960
, p. 259.
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