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ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Field Testing and Instrumentation of Rock
GB Clark
GB Clark
, Rock Mechanics and Explosives Research Center, University of Missouri-Rolla
, Rolla, Mo. 65401
; symposium chairman
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ASTM International
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eBook Chapter
Overview of the Role of Geologic Investigation and Rock Property Determination in Fragmentation Field Testing
RC Steckley
RC Steckley
Geologist, research supervisor, geophysicist, and geophysicist
, respectively. Fundamentals of Rock Failure. Twin Cities Mining Research Center
, Minneapolis, Minn. 55111
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ER Podnieks
ER Podnieks
Geologist, research supervisor, geophysicist, and geophysicist
, respectively. Fundamentals of Rock Failure. Twin Cities Mining Research Center
, Minneapolis, Minn. 55111
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PG Chamberlain
PG Chamberlain
Geologist, research supervisor, geophysicist, and geophysicist
, respectively. Fundamentals of Rock Failure. Twin Cities Mining Research Center
, Minneapolis, Minn. 55111
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JM Pugliese
JM Pugliese
Geologist, research supervisor, geophysicist, and geophysicist
, respectively. Fundamentals of Rock Failure. Twin Cities Mining Research Center
, Minneapolis, Minn. 55111
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Steckley, R, Podnieks, E, Chamberlain, P, & Pugliese, J. "Overview of the Role of Geologic Investigation and Rock Property Determination in Fragmentation Field Testing." Field Testing and Instrumentation of Rock. Ed. Clark, G. 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 : ASTM International, 1974.
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This paper presents an overview of a systematic approach for the evaluation of the geology and rock properties of field sites used for fragmentation tests. Comprehensive flow diagrams illustrate the steps involved in selecting sites for field tests, and in evaluating the results of field rock fragmentation tests. These steps consist of regional test site selection, field site selection, geologic and fabric investigations, pre-test rock property determinations, fragmentation tests, post-test geologic and fabric investigations, and post-test rock property determinations. A systematic approach, such as this one, is necessary if major rock excavation problems are to be solved.
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, M. A.
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