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ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Heat Transmission Measurements in Thermal Insulations
RP Tye
RP Tye
, Testing Services,
Dynatech R/D Co.
Cambridge, Mass. symposium chairman
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ASTM International
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A new concept involving the use of easily fabricated and assembled panels consisting of balsa wood, rigid plastic foams, and wood facings has been proposed for the external thermal protection of large liquid natural gas storage vessels.

Heat transmission determinations in scale models of the proposed panels up to 90-mm thick have been undertaken with the use of a 600-mm square guarded hot plate apparatus for the proposed use temperature conditions. In addition, thermal conductance measurements on the basic components have been made at regular temperature intervals over the approximate range 100 to 300 K.

An analytical model has been derived to predict the variation in test results with geometry. This model can be used to select the optimum full scale configuration considering both thermal and structural performance and to predict tank heat leakage.

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