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ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Manual on the Use of Thermocouples Temperature Measurement
Committee E-20
Committee E-20
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RP Benedict
RP Benedict
Westinghouse Electric Corp.
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ASTM International
Publication date:

The material contained herein was collected from two general sources: (1) scientific, technical, and trade journals and (2) reports of investigations sponsored or conducted by various governmental agencies. The material is an addition to the references and bibliographies appended to the other sections of the manual, the National Bureau of Standards' papers edited by Swindells, and the National Bureau of Standards' bibliography edited by Freeze and Parker, both of which are listed herein. The entries are generally for the period 1963 to 1967, with a few earlier and later items that were brought to our attention. Because of the rapid expansion of the technology, the list does not claim to be exhaustive. Not all of the items are necessarily of current interest, since a few years have made obsolete many that can now be considered only source material of historic interest.

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