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ASTM Selected Technical Papers
Gray, Ductile, and Malleable Iron Castings—Current Capabilities
H. J. Heine
H. J. Heine
Technical director
Malleable Founders Society
Cleveland, Ohio
, ASTM Task Force.
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ASTM International
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During the past 20 years, the malleable iron-founding industry has experienced technical developments which have fundamentally altered both the character of the industry and its products. The unique combination of engineering properties for a cast metal is summarized for ferritic and pearlitic malleable iron, and the structural characteristics of the material are reviewed. New design techniques recognize the significance of molding aggregate and metallurgical factors, and the importance of the “feeding path” and “freezing order” concepts is emphasized. Recently developed machinability information is presented in tabular form, and reference is made to the general process capabilities of high-volume malleable iron casting producers for use by casting designers and engineers. New information on fatigue life of as-cast surfaces and postforming operations is discussed.

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