The authors would like to thank Dr. Lars Panning-von Scheidt, Dr. Jörg Wallaschek, and Dr. Sebastian Willeke for their comprehensive and informative discussion on the original paper. The discussion complements the paper and provides several clarifications. The discussion is valuable especially for readers unfamiliar with the dynamics of cyclic structures and turbomachinery. Here, we share additional perspectives on the general state of reduced-order modeling in turbomachinery and comment upon a few specifics addressed in the discussion.

The discussion provides valuable contextual information, several generalizations, and nomenclature. Particularly, it clarifies the colloquial usage of certain terms in the paper such as “bladed disks” which are used for disks with inserted bladed, and “blisks” which are used often as synonyms for integrally bladed rotors (IBRs). The mixed usage of these three terms—bladed disks, blisks, and IBRs—is likely due to similar aeromechanics issues that these systems have. There are, however, issues that affect...

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