3R26. Engineering Rock Mechanics: Part 2. Illustrative Worked Examples. - JP Harrison and JA Hudson (Huxley Sch of Env, Earth Sci, and Eng, Imperial Col of Sci, Tech, and Med, Univ of London, London, UK). Pergamon, Oxford UK. 2000. 506 pp. ISBN 0-08-043010-4. $128.50.

Reviewed by ME Popescu (Dept of Civil and Architec Eng, Illinois Inst of Tech, 3201 S Dearborn St, Chicago IL 60616).

This book reviewed here is a companion book to Engineering Rock Mechanics: An Introduction to the Principles by Hudson and Harrison (see previous Review, 3R25). This companion book contains worked examples of engineering rock mechanics in action as the subject applies to civil, mining, petroleum, and environmental engineering. This book can be used as a stand-alone textbook or as a complement to the introductory book. The book covers the necessary understanding and the key techniques supporting the rock engineering design of structural...

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