1R36. Dynamics of Droplets. - A Frohn and N Roth (Inst fur Thermodynamik, Univ of Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 31, Stuttgart, 70550, Germany). Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 2000. 292 pp. ISBN 3- 540-65887-4. $82.00.

Reviewed by Y Chisti (Inst of Tech and Eng, Massey Univ, Private Bag 11 222, Palmerston N, New Zealand).

Many natural and technical processes depend on generation of droplets and interaction among droplets and other phases. Droplet dynamics influence processes as diverse as cloud formation, rain, spray painting, and dispersal of aerosols. Because of its wide-ranging significance, substantial research literature has accumulated on droplet dynamics, but not many books treat this subject.

This book provides a useful discussion of droplet dynamics in a compact volume. Some of the theoretical aspects relevant to drop dynamics are covered in an extensive first chapter. The major topics discussed include surface tension and internal pressure; liquid-liquid and solid-liquid interfaces; charged droplets; small-amplitude droplet oscillations;...

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