11R9. Modeling and Simulation of Aerospace Vehicle Dynamics. AIAA Education Series. - PH Zipfel (Univ of Florida, Gainesville FL). AIAA, Reston VA. 2000. 551 pp. ISBN 1-56347-456-5. $79.95.

Reviewed by W Schiehlen (Inst B of Mech, Univ of Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 9, Stuttgart, 70550, Germany).

This book can be used for one- and two-semester courses as well as for self-study. It presents the fundamentals of aerospace vehicle dynamics, and for simulations, the CADAC environment is available free of charge from the AIAA home page. Both components result in an excellent learning environment.

The book starts with an overview of today’s computed-aided engineering concepts also called virtual engineering. Then, the two parts of the book Modeling of Flight Dynamics with six chapters and Simulation of Aerospace Vehicles with four chapters, are introduced. In the second chapter, the mathematical concepts of modeling are discussed based on classical mechanics and tensor calculus. Most...

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