Recent advances in additive manufacturing methods make it possible, for the first time, to manufacture complex micro-architectured solids that achieve desired stress versus strain responses. Here, we report experimental measurements and associated finite element (FE) calculations on the effect of strut shape upon the tensile response of two-dimensional (2D) lattices made from low-carbon steel sheets. Two lattice topologies are considered: (i) a stretching-dominated triangular lattice and (ii) a bending-dominated hexagonal lattice. It is found that strut waviness can enhance the ductility of each lattice, particularly for bending-dominated hexagonal lattices. Manufacturing imperfections such as undercuts have a small effect on the ductility of the lattices but can significantly reduce the ultimate tensile strength. FE simulations provide additional insight into these observations and are used to construct design maps to aid the design of lattices with specified strength and ductility.