The paper by Horton, Tupholme, and Gover (1) analyzes the deformation behavior of rubber using the isotropic, infinitesimal strain theory of elasticty for an incompressible material. Accordingly, the Poisson’s ratio ν=12 and Young’s modulus is three times the shear modulus (E=3μ). In this setting, the stresses σij determine the (infinitesimal) strains ϵij, but the strains only determine the stresses up to a hydrostatic pressure. Hence, the strains determine the shear stresses and also determine the normal stress differences. The strains follow from the displacements ui in the usual fashion ϵij=(ui,j+uj,i)2. In their analysis of a rectangular block with Cartesian coordinates (x,y,z) and associated displacement components (...
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