This is a study of the vibrations of thin elastic shells freely suspended in a compressible fluid medium. The effect of the fluid reaction on the dynamic characteristics and, in particular, on the natural frequencies is investigated for cylindrical and spherical shells. The dynamic configuration of such shells undergoing forced vibration and the associated radiation of sound are determined. The problem is analyzed by means of the classical methods of the theory of mechanical vibrations; the Lagrange equations for the system are derived, the fluid reaction being introduced in the form of generalized forces. From the boundary condition that the normal shell deflection be equal to the normal fluid-particle displacement at the shell surface, and introducing the concept of acoustic impedance, it is shown that the fluid reaction is equivalent to an accession to the inertia of the shell and to a damping force. Numerical examples show that the effect of the fluid reaction on the dynamic characteristics of a shell may be of such magnitude as to render valueless calculations neglecting it.