The direct current magnetic abrasive finishing (DC-MAF) process provides practically no stirring effect on the static flexible magnetic abrasive brush (FMAB) formed by the magnetic field in the working gap. Absence of stirring leads to dullness of abrasive cutting edges in contact with the workpiece which results in a low finishing rate. To overcome this problem, the FMAB has been made pulsating using a DC-pulsed power supply, and the process is hence termed pulsed current-magnetic abrasive finishing (PC-MAF). The surface roughness was found to improve remarkably by the formation and destruction of the FMAB during the on and off time respectively, under selected pulsed parameters. The surface texture indicates that the process consists of microscratches generated on the finished surface. Further, the surface appears to have been generated by the removal of material from peaks of the workpiece surface by rotation as well as lateral movement of the FMAB.

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