The Long-term Inflow and Structural Test (LIST) program is collecting long-term inflow and structural response data to characterize the spectrum of loads on wind turbines. In one of the measurement campaigns being conducted under this program, the 42-m diameter, 600-kW NWTC Advanced Research Turbine (ART) was monitored. The turbine is an upwind, two-bladed teetered-hub machine. It has full span pitch control and a synchronous generator. The inflow was monitored with a planar array of five high-resolution sonic anemometers and supporting meteorological instrumentation located 1.5 diameters upwind of the turbine. The structural response of the turbine was measured using strain gauge circuits and an inertial measurement unit (IMU). The former were used to monitor root bending moments and the low-speed shaft torque, while the latter was used to monitor the motion of the tower and the nacelle. Auxiliary gauges measured blade pitch, rotor teeter, nacelle yaw and generator power. A total of 3299 10-minute records were collected for analysis. From this set, 1044 records are used to examine the influence of various inflow parameters on fatigue loads. Long-term fatigue loads and extreme loads are also examined.

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