Commercially available contact angle (CA) measuring devices usually do not allow for the application of magnetic fields to the sample under test. A setup for measuring the CA of liquids on magnetosensitive surfaces has been developed specifically for investigating the surfaces of magnetoactive elastomers (MAEs). The addition of a programmable linear stage, which moves a permanent magnet, allows for fine control of the magnetic field applied to the MAE without the need for large and power-consuming electromagnets. Paired with a custom control and evaluation software, this measurement setup operates semiautomatically, limiting operator error and increasing precision, speed, as well as repeatability of static and dynamic CA measurements for different magnetoactive materials. The software is equipped with robust droplet fitting algorithms to avoid experimental challenges arising with soft magnetoactive materials, such as the curling of sample edges or diffuse non-reflective surfaces. Several application examples on MAE surfaces, both processed and unprocessed, are presented.