In recent years, the detection of climate and hydrology has become more and more important, and the related research of vortex-induced vibration has also been paid attention. Based on a vortex-induced swing structure that can realize flow direction sensing and energy harvesting, we study the phase coupling problems caused by structural size. In this paper, according to the research on the trajectory of the vortex-induced fluid-structure coupling motion, it is shown that a solid (e.g. cylinder) has the tendency of torsion under laminar impact. While the swing amplitude of the cylinder with a single bluff is low and unable to meet application requirements. Based on fluid-solid boundary layer theory, C shaped elastomer structure is designed to enhance torsional swing. The size of the cylinder and the C-shaped elastomer affects the frequency and phase of vortex-induced swing, and then influences the whole swing amplitude. We established a mathematical model for the phase study. In the experiment, by changing the ratio of the cylinder diameter to the width of the C-shaped elastomer, the swing amplitude characteristic under different conditions is obtained. Results show that when the sum of phase angle superposition is 2kπ + π, the phase coupling is suppressed. The width of C shaped elastomer is 25mm as the cylinder diameter is 18 when the suppression happens.