A Helmholtz resonator is a passive acoustic device that enables noise reduction at a given frequency. This frequency is directly related to the volume of the resonator and to the size of the neck that couples the resonator to the acoustic domain. In other words, controlling the volume of the cavity allows a real time tunability of the device, which means noise control at any desired frequency. To that end, we propose an Origami-based tunable Helmholtz resonator. The design is inspired from the well-known origami base, waterbomb. Such foldable structures offer a wide range of volume shifting which corresponds to a frequency shifting in the application of interest. The foldability of the structure is first investigated. Then, a series of numerical simulations and experimental tests were preformed are presented, in order to explore the capabilities of this origami structures in acoustic control. A shift in the frequency domain of up to 197 Hz (131–328 Hz) was achieved in an experimental testing using 3D printed rigid devices.

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