In the context of mid-frequency elastodynamical analysis of periodic structures, the Floquet-Bloch theorem has been recently applied. The latter allows the use of limited-size modeling of a representative cell to characterize waves dispersion properties of the assembled structure. The theorem provides a rigorous and well posed spectral problem representing waves dispersion in viscolelastic media. In particular, the wave-FEM (WFE) method and associated techniques are based on the Floquet-Bloch approach. Most of the current applications are limited either to undamped or to slightly damped systems. In this paper, the Floquet-Bloch theorem is used to set up an alternative technique in order to estimate the dispersion characteristics of a periodic structure. The approach is based on the same basic assumptions, but the generalized eigenvalue problem which has to be solved differs from the one usually considered in WFE. Instead of discretizing the k-space, the harmonic frequency and the wave heading are used to scan the k-space. Then the formulated eigenvalue problem is solved and the dispersion characteristics are obtained, including spatial attenuation terms. Some fundamentals properties of the eigensolutions are discussed, and the methodology is finally applied on a 2D waveguide application which can be found in the literature for an undamped case. The same example is considered with various damping levels, in order to illustrate the performances and specificities the efficiency of proposed approach. The proposed approach finds application in the analysis of wave propagation in the presence of damping materials or shunted piezoelectric patches, as well as in actively controlled systems, where equivalent damping terms are associated with the considered control scheme.
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ASME 2010 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems
September 28–October 1, 2010
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Aerospace Division
Numerical Tools for Semi-Active Optimization of 2D Wave’s Dispersion Into Mechanical System
Manuel Collet,
Manuel Collet
FEMTO-ST UMR, Besancon, France
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Morvan Ouisse,
Morvan Ouisse
FEMTO-ST UMR, Besancon, France
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Mohammed Ichchou,
Mohammed Ichchou
University of Lyon, Ecully, France
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Massimo Ruzzene
Massimo Ruzzene
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
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Manuel Collet
FEMTO-ST UMR, Besancon, France
Morvan Ouisse
FEMTO-ST UMR, Besancon, France
Mohammed Ichchou
University of Lyon, Ecully, France
Massimo Ruzzene
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
Paper No:
SMASIS2010-3715, pp. 495-503; 9 pages
Published Online:
April 4, 2011
Collet, M, Ouisse, M, Ichchou, M, & Ruzzene, M. "Numerical Tools for Semi-Active Optimization of 2D Wave’s Dispersion Into Mechanical System." Proceedings of the ASME 2010 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems. ASME 2010 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems, Volume 1. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. September 28–October 1, 2010. pp. 495-503. ASME.
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