In parallel with the development of new technologies that predicting and testing the performance and the reliability of MEMS, there has arisen a growing need for computer simulation. Besides the quality of the available data, such as temperature, the nonlinearities and the time-dependence of the materials properties etc., the accuracy of the simulation results depends substantially on the models for the simulation. The first part here is dedicated to the mathematical and physical models for the simulation of some typical MEMS assemblies. As part of this work, some typical assemblies as well as suitable models for their graphics and numerical representation are demonstrated. In the presentation, the results of the simulations of most of the relevant properties are reported. These assembly manipulations comprise aligning and inserting under typical service conditions. What’s more, new understandings of some manipulation are presented, which is very important to simplify the simulation of assembly. And a new model of MEMS numerical simulations is built in the degree of μm. These assembly manipulations will be divided into passive and initiative actions, which can never be divided in the MEMS assembly systems. The corresponding models for graphics and numerical simulations will be shown. Furthermore, the procedures to predict the performances of MEMS assemblies and interconnections are regarded. By using the typical assembly manipulations and the new understandings, it will be demonstrated that how these models can be utilized in designing MEMS.

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