Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is a common disorder with a profoundly negative impact on the physical and psychological health of women worldwide; however, the exact etiology is currently unknown. Parity, defined as the number of births, is commonly identified as one of the leading risk factors for the development of POP. The objective of this study was to examine the impact of parity on the uniaxial mechanical properties of the sheep vagina along the longitudinal direction. The findings of this study revealed that parity negatively impacts the tangent modulus (54% decrease), tensile strength (54% decrease), and strain-energy density (47% decrease) of the vagina in the ewe (female sheep). Based on similar findings in primate, these data suggest that the ewe may serve as a cheaper alternative for studying the pathogenesis of POP moving forward.
- Bioengineering Division
Parity Negatively Impacts the Uniaxial Mechanical Properties of the Vagina in the Ewe
Knight, K, Moalli, P, Palcsey, S, Barone, W, & Abramowitch, SD. "Parity Negatively Impacts the Uniaxial Mechanical Properties of the Vagina in the Ewe." Proceedings of the ASME 2013 Summer Bioengineering Conference. Volume 1B: Extremity; Fluid Mechanics; Gait; Growth, Remodeling, and Repair; Heart Valves; Injury Biomechanics; Mechanotransduction and Sub-Cellular Biophysics; MultiScale Biotransport; Muscle, Tendon and Ligament; Musculoskeletal Devices; Multiscale Mechanics; Thermal Medicine; Ocular Biomechanics; Pediatric Hemodynamics; Pericellular Phenomena; Tissue Mechanics; Biotransport Design and Devices; Spine; Stent Device Hemodynamics; Vascular Solid Mechanics; Student Paper and Design Competitions. Sunriver, Oregon, USA. June 26–29, 2013. V01BT52A003. ASME.
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