Passive knee kinematics and kinetics following total knee replacement (TKR) are dependent on the topology of the component joint surfaces as well as the properties of the passive soft tissue structures (ligaments and capsule). Recently, explicit computer models have been used for the prediction of knee joint kinematics based on experimental investigations [1]. However, most of these models replicate experimental knee simulators [2], which simulate soft tissue structures using springs or elastomeric structures. New generations of experimental setups deploy industrial robots for measuring kinematics and kinetics in six degrees of freedom as well as the contribution of soft tissue structures. Based on these experiments, accurate soft tissue properties are available for use in computer models to aid more realistic predictions of kinematics. Final evidence of the quality of the kinematic predictions from these computer models can be provided by direct validation of the models against experimental data. Therefore, the objective of this study was to use in vitro robotic test data to develop, verify, and validate specimen specific virtual models suitable for predicting laxity and kinematics of the reconstructed knee.

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