Growth and remodeling are fundamental processes in the development of tissues in normal and pathological conditions. Mechanical quantities such as stress, strain or strain energy in the tissue can modulate its growth and remodeling; however, it is not clear yet which mechanical quantity takes this role. Experimental data can be found to support both. Furthermore, the driving-mechanism may be tissue-dependent and therefore, a universal growth law may not exist [7,8]. This field has been an important research topic in biomechanics over the recent decades. The review articles by Humphrey [4] and Taber [8] contain numerous related references. An important contribution was made by Rodriguez et al. [7] to the area of volumetric growth of soft elastic tissue which allowed for the coupling between stress and finite growth through multiplicative decomposition of the deformation gradient into elastic and growth parts. This theory has been followed in our study. Our goal is to model growth of the hind foot cartilage anlagen in newborn infants, and explore effect of congenital anomalies on the otherwise normal development.

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