The widespread acceptance of Carotid Artery Stenting (CAS) to treat a stenosed carotid vasculature and its effectiveness compared with its surgical counterpart, carotid endarterectomy (CEA) is still a matter of debate [1]. A major concern related to CAS is embolization distal to the site of treatment potentially leading to stroke or other severe neurological complications. Embolization associated with CAS is mainly due to the plaque debris and thrombi generated during the dilatation of the stenosis and stent positioning. Consequently, embolic protection filters have been developed to capture this released debris and they appear to have a significant favorable impact on the success of CAS [2,3]. Currently, several embolic filter designs are available on a rapidly growing dedicated market. However, some drawbacks such as filtering failure, inability to cross tortuous high-grade stenoses, malpositioning and vessel injury still remain and require further design improvement.

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