A framework is formulated for continuum modeling of biological tissue growth that explicitly addresses cell division, using a homogenized representation of cells and the extracellular matrix (ECM). The essential elements of this model rely on the description of the cell as containing a solution of water and osmolytes, and having osmotically inactive solid constituents that may be generically described as a porous solid matrix. The division of a cell into two nearly identical daughter cells normally starts with the duplication of cell contents during the synthesis phase, followed by cell division during the mitosis phase. Thus, ultimately, cell division is equivalent to doubling of the cell solid matrix and osmolyte content, and a resulting increase in water uptake via osmotic effects. In a homogenized representation of the tissue, the geometry of individual cells is not modeled explicitly, but their solid matrix and intracellular osmolyte content can be suitably incorporated into the analysis of the tissue response, thereby accounting for their osmotic effects. Thus, cell division can be described by the growth of these cell constituents, including the accumulation of osmotically active content, and the resultant uptake of water.

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