The glenohumeral joint is the most dislocated major joint in the body and the axillary pouch of the glenohumeral capsule is the primary stabilizer at the extreme ranges of external rotation. [1] Procedures to repair the capsule following dislocation result in 12–25% of patients still experiencing pain and instability. [2] Studies performing clinical exams have found inconsistent data on differences between males and females. Increased laxity in the glenohumeral joint of females has been found as well as overall hypermobility when compared to males. [3,4] However, others have found no differences in overall joint stiffness between genders. [5] These findings suggest that a difference in the mechanical properties might exist between genders. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the effects of gender on the mechanical properties of the axillary pouch during tensile loading. A combined experimental and computational approach was used to evaluate the properties of the tissue. This data could potentially be utilized to improve surgical procedures and necessitate gender-specific repair techniques.
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ASME 2007 Summer Bioengineering Conference
June 20–24, 2007
Keystone, Colorado, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Bioengineering Division
Effects of Gender on the Mechanical Properties of the Glenohumeral Capsule: Implications for Surgical Repair Techniques
Eric J. Rainis,
Eric J. Rainis
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
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Carrie A. Voycheck,
Carrie A. Voycheck
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
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Elizabeth A. Timcho,
Elizabeth A. Timcho
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
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Patrick J. McMahon,
Patrick J. McMahon
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
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Richard E. Debski
Richard E. Debski
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
Search for other works by this author on:
Eric J. Rainis
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
Carrie A. Voycheck
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
Elizabeth A. Timcho
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
Patrick J. McMahon
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
Richard E. Debski
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
Paper No:
SBC2007-176345, pp. 911-912; 2 pages
Published Online:
March 12, 2014
Rainis, EJ, Voycheck, CA, Timcho, EA, McMahon, PJ, & Debski, RE. "Effects of Gender on the Mechanical Properties of the Glenohumeral Capsule: Implications for Surgical Repair Techniques." Proceedings of the ASME 2007 Summer Bioengineering Conference. ASME 2007 Summer Bioengineering Conference. Keystone, Colorado, USA. June 20–24, 2007. pp. 911-912. ASME.
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