The function of the brake disc is to provide the ultimate guarantee of the safety of high speed trains. A braking unit includes two discs and two brake shoes. Braking performance depends on the pressure of the brake shoe and the friction between the disc and the shoe. When a train is braked, the brake disc endures a thermal load, which may affect the mechanical properties of the disc. If the thermal load exceeds the strength limit of the material, it could impact the safe running of the train. Therefore, the thermal load should be reduced as much as possible. Now the frictional surface of disc is plane and heat congregates easily in the surface area. The purpose of this paper is to explore a design for enhanced heat dissipation. A gas channel was used on the frictional surface to achieve the effect of heat dissipation. This design was analyzed by means of tribology and heat transfer theory. The distribution of gas flow was also researched. The temperature and stress field of the disc were simulated and analyzed. By the analysis it can be seen that the gas channel on the frictional surface of disc has a remarkable effect on heat dissipation in the brake disc.
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ASME 2010 Rail Transportation Division Fall Technical Conference
October 12–13, 2010
Roanoke, Virginia, USA
Conference Sponsors:
- Rail Transportation Division
Exploration of Enhanced Heat Dissipation Design for Brake Disc of High Speed Train
Zhizhuang Yu,
Zhizhuang Yu
Tongji University, Shanghai, China
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Yong Wang
Yong Wang
Tongji University, Shanghai, China
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Zhizhuang Yu
Tongji University, Shanghai, China
Yong Wang
Tongji University, Shanghai, China
Paper No:
RTDF2010-42007, pp. 39-46; 8 pages
Published Online:
April 6, 2011
Yu, Z, & Wang, Y. "Exploration of Enhanced Heat Dissipation Design for Brake Disc of High Speed Train." Proceedings of the ASME 2010 Rail Transportation Division Fall Technical Conference. ASME 2010 Rail Transportation Division Fall Technical Conference. Roanoke, Virginia, USA. October 12–13, 2010. pp. 39-46. ASME.
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