ASME OM Code Mandatory Appendix III (Appendix III) [1] for inservice testing of motor-operated valves (MOVs) contains prerequisites for a design basis verification test (DBVT) and preservice test prior to initiating inservice testing. The DBVT has specific requirements that depend on valve type and operational experience and the preservice test must adequately bridge the DBVT and inservice test. In addition, certain replacement, repair, or maintenance activities require an evaluation to determine what aspects (if any) of the DBVT or preservice test require repeat testing and/or engineering analysis to either confirm existing reference values or establish new reference values. Finally, existing testing performed under legacy NRC Generic Letter (GL) 89-10/96-05 MOV Programs or ASME QME-1 functional qualification standard may be credited to satisfy all or a portion of the DBVT and preservice test.
The purpose of this paper is to describe, by valve type:
• the specific requirements for the DBVT and preservice test,
• the use of previous qualification testing (e.g. GL 89-10/96-05 and ASME QME-1) to satisfy the DBVT and preservice test requirements,
• what activities may require analysis and/or repeating portions of the DBVT and preservice testing, and
• applicability to legacy MOV programs.
Paper published with permission.