
Recently, Barua et. al [ANL-20/03, 2020] developed new design rules for high temperature concentrating solar power metallic components. These rules are to be used in conjunction with the Section III, Division 5 rules of the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code and include three design by analysis options — i) design by elastic analysis with reduced margin, ii) design by elastic analysis with reduced margin and simplified creep-fatigue evaluation, and iii) design by inelastic analysis. In this paper, we report the corresponding design data for a nickelbased high temperature alloy – Alloy 740H. The current Alloy 740H Code Case includes some basic material properties such as Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio, thermal properties, yield strength, tensile strength, and allowable stress So. However, a complete design check for high temperature components — i.e., primary load and buckling checks, ratcheting strain limits, and creep-fatigue evaluation — requires additional material data including allowable stress Sm, relaxation strength, isochronous stress-strain curves, minimum-stress-to-rupture Sr, fatigue diagrams, and creep-fatigue damage envelope. We construct these design data from the available material data in the literature and data generated recently at Idaho National Laboratory as part of a U.S. Department of Energy – Solar Energy Technology Office funded project. We also develop an inelastic constitutive model for use with the design by inelastic analysis method.

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