In ASME BPVC Section VIII Division 3 (2021) [1], impulse loading has been defined as “a loading whose duration is a fraction of the periods of the significant dynamic response modes of the vessel components. For a vessel, this fraction is limited to less than 35% of the fundamental, membrane-stress dominated (breathing) mode”. In this article, designing a pressure vessel for a Fusion Demonstration Plant (FDP) that is exposed to pressure pulses as high as 34.5 MPa at 14.3 msec period is discussed. The vessel and the connected accumulators (gas drivers) to it have a dominant natural frequency of about 102 Hz, related to the breathing mode based on our dynamic analysis was used. The ratio of the pulse period to the natural vibration period of the vessel is 1.457. This is much higher than the 0.35 limit in the code. In this article, the design criteria are detailed, and it is proposed to be added to the ASME BPVC Section VIII Division 3.