
The main objective and mission of the ATLAS+ project is to develop advanced structural assessment tools to address the remaining technology gaps for the safe and long-term operation of nuclear reactor pressure coolant boundary systems. This is achieved by development and validation of:

• innovative quantitative methodologies to transfer laboratory material properties to assess the structural integrity of large components,

• enhanced treatment of weld residual stresses when subjected to long term operation, advanced simulation tools based on fracture mechanics methods using physically based mechanistic models,

• improved engineering methods to assess components under long term operation taking into account specific operational demands,

• integrated probabilistic assessment methods to reveal uncertainties and justify safety margins.

Additionally, the objective is to disseminate the findings of the work through special training sessions and links to the NUGENIA association. The project scope of work focuses on piping systems of the reactor coolant pressure boundary components (RCPB) excluding the reactor pressure vessel (RPV). The project is aimed on an experimental proof of concept and validates the developed methodology both at the laboratory scale and the full-scale level.

The ATLAS+ project contains 4 main technical WPs and one training and dissemination package. These are summarized next, in addition to a brief description of the progress.

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