This engineering effort covers the preliminary design and structural dynamic simulation of a large confinement vessel that can be used for confining large explosive blasts that support shock physics experimentation. The vessel is to be able to withstand an explosive charge detonation of up to 100 pounds (45.4 kg) of TNT, or the equivalent, and maintain the dynamic response of the materials of construction to within an acceptable stress-strain range. The design goal is to maintain the material dynamic response to within the design code limits defined by the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 3, per the former Code Case 2564. The Code Case 2564 has been incorporated into Section VIII, Division 3 per the 2019 version.
Compliance with the impulsive loading response limits defined in Section VIII, Division 3 will provide a high level of confidence that the high-hazard operation of intentionally detonating large quantities of explosives can be conducted safely within this equipment. If necessary, in order to allow for a reasonably practical vessel structure to be fielded for conducting experiments, exceptions to the requirements of Section VIII, Division 3 will be taken. Exceptions to the design requirements of Section VIII, Division 3 are possible to consider because the vessel structure does not provide personnel protection, but fills an equipment protection role. Personnel will be protected by separate bunker type structures, or an appropriate separation distance. The vessel structure protects the sensitive and expensive diagnostic equipment that is fielded near the vessel for interrogating the explosive event.