
Several Department of Energy (DOE) facilities have nuclear or hazardous materials stored in robust, welded, stainless-steel containers with undetermined fire-induced pressure response behaviors. Lack of test data related to fire exposure requires conservative safety analysis assumptions for container response at these facilities. This conservatism can in turn result in the implementation of challenging operational restrictions with costly nuclear safety controls. To help address this issue for sites that store DOE 3013 stainless-steel containers, a series of five tests were undertaken at Sandia National Laboratories. The goal of this test series was to obtain the response behavior for various configurations of the DOE 3013 containers when exposed to various fire conditions. Key parameters measured in the test series included identification of failure-specific characteristics such as pressure, temperature, and leak/burst failure type. This paper describes the development and execution of the test series performed to identify these failure-specific characteristics. Work completed to define the test configurations, payload compositions, thermal insults, and experimental setups are discussed. Test results are presented along with corresponding discussions for each test.

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