Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) is an effective form of additive manufacturing, but generates large residual stresses in the components which can be detrimental to their structural integrity and hence require quantification. Thermo-mechanical simulations of the build process of single edge notched fracture mechanics samples manufactured by LPBF from 316L stainless steel powder in horizontal & vertical orientation were developed in ABAQUS. The models examined the influence of crack introduction methods and specimen build orientation on crack tip stress distribution, to determine their potential effect on fatigue crack growth behavior. Contour plots of residual stresses show significant relaxation upon sample removal from the base plate in the horizontal samples due to the geometry of the component. Relaxation was observed in vertically orientated samples but to a much lesser extent and maximum principal stresses of around 400 MPa remained near the crack tip. It is concluded that residual stresses can be neglected in horizontally built samples of these dimensions, however residual stresses need careful consideration in vertically built samples.