
We present VistaDam, a physics-based ductile fracture material model that is tailored to predict failure in thin metal sheets. VistaDam is based on a three invariant plasticity model in which metal fracture is dependent on the combined evolution of the triaxial stresses as well as the third invariant of deviatoric stress. Thus, VistaDam can predict damage due to combined volumetric void growth and shear dilation; which provides VistaDam with a superior capability to describe and predict fracture in a wide range of loading ranges. VistaDam relies on three independent material parameters that can be calibrated from experimental data at different triaxiality. Calibration is achieved through the automated calibration tool VistaCal. The calibrated VistaDam material card can be readily used in explicit FEM packages such as Abaqus and LS-DYNA. In addition, the calibrated VistaDam model can be used as a virtual testing platform that can generate data required by data-driven models such as GISSMO and Johnson-Cook. This process is currently automated within VistaCal’s graphical user interface. VistaDam and VistaCal have been developed for Navy applications and have been deployed successfully to predict pressurized pipes and vessel deformation and fracture under extreme loading conditions.

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