The paper will cover the general approach followed by nuclear code RCC-M [1] of AFCEN, the French Society for Design, Construction and In-Service Inspection Rules for Nuclear Island Components, in codes and standards setting, from the technical and organizational points of view. After reminding the main modifications introduced in the 2016 & 2017 editions, the main evolutions expected in the 2018 edition of RCC-M code will be explained and commented, as well as the main new topics of activity of RCC-M subcommittee. The presentation highlights how the industrial experience is currently integrated into the RCC-M code. It also develops how the substantial effort carried out by AFCEN for the last three years, to demonstrate the conformity with European and French regulatory requirements, led not only to the development of dedicated guides and modifications in regulatory appendices of the code, but also to improvements in the main parts of the code.

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