Fitness for service assessment procedures rely on flaw interaction rules for assessment of multiple flaws in close proximity. Such rules are aimed at avoiding excessive amplification of the crack driving force that may result in a non-conservative fracture assessment. In BS7910, the 2013 edition [1] introduced a new flaw interaction rule for the co-planar flaws where the proximity of adjacent flaws is judged based on flaw height (i.e. s = 0.5*max(a1,a2) for surface flaws). The rule was introduced for flaws with aspect ratio of a/c < 1 for both flaws, while for other flaw shapes and combinations the earlier rule from the predecessor document PD6493:1993 [2] was retained. This paper summarises the recent work done by the authors and work from literature to examine the applicability of the s = 0.5*max(a1,a2) rule to flaws with aspect ratio a/c ≥ 1 and dissimilar flaw combinations.

It is shown that the current BS7910 rule based on s = 0.5*max(a1,a2) produces a conservative flaw assessment with the use of BS7910 solutions for stress intensity factor and reference stress. An exception are cases of two deep surface flaws where the rule is proposed to change to:

s ≤ max(a1, a2) for two surface flaws with a1/t & a2/t > 0.5

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