Active structural control has drawn significant attention in recent decades. In this paper, the problem of active vibration control of multi-degree-freedom structures is considered. Fuzzy logic controller combined with the genetic algorithm (GA) is designed to optimize the parameters of active tuned mass damper (ATMD) for the best results in reduction of the building response under earthquake excitation. The advantage of the fuzzy logic approach is the ability to handle the non-linear behavior of the system. Non-linear behavior of the soil is modeled in the dynamics of the structural system with nonlinear hysteric restoring forces. The building structure with eleven stories is modeled as a 2D frame, which uses tuned mass damper subsystems mounted on the top of the building. A structural system was simulated against the ground motion of the destructive earthquakes. The time history of the story displacements and accelerations, the control voltages and forces, and the frequency responses of both the uncontrolled and the controlled structures are shown in the end of this study. The performance of designed fuzzy logic control is checked using the changing mass parameters of each story and the results are discussed. The comparison between the proposed control and TMD passive control shows that the proposed fuzzy logic controller has great potential in active structural control.

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