In the design of piping systems, there are many options for transitioning between HDPE and metallic piping. One common option is the use of flanged joints. As a result of the visco-elastic nature of HDPE, the use of HDPE-to-metallic flanged joints requires special design considerations. When HDPE-to-metallic flanged joints are used in ASME Class 3 systems, the design is further complicated by the requirements provided in the ASME B&PV Code, Section III for flanged joint analysis.
This paper examines the differences between HDPE piping flanged joints and metallic piping flanged joints, including consideration of industry guidance and available industry testing results. The paper provides a proposed methodology for evaluating ASME Class 3 HDPE-to-metallic flanged joints and HDPE-to-HDPE flanged joints, including the determination of required bolt torque values and the determination of the maximum internal pressure that the joint can resist without experiencing leakage.