Selective Laser Melting (SLM) is a relatively new manufacturing technique that offers many benefits. However the utilisation of SLM manufactured components depends on the assurance of their integrity during operation. Tensile and high cycle fatigue tests have been performed on uniaxial samples manufactured using SLM of 316L stainless steel to examine the elastic-plastic deformation and fatigue crack initiation behaviour of the material. In addition, the fatigue crack growth behaviour has been determined from tests on compact tension samples manufactured using SLM. The influence of build orientation has been examined on the compact tension samples. The results are compared to values obtained from conventional manufacturing methods. The tensile samples have a higher strength but significantly lower ductility than wrought material. The fatigue strength of the SLM material was substantially less than wrought material, though a similar fatigue limit maybe seen, this may be attributed to porosity in the material. The fatigue crack growth rate of the SLM material was 5–10 times faster, for a given stress intensity factor, than wrought materials and strongly depended on crack orientation in relation to the build direction.

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