Small size longitudinal holes are common in components of high pressure vessels. In fracture mechanics evaluation, longitudinal holes have not drawn as much attention as cross-bores. However, longitudinal holes become critical at certain locations for such assessments because of high stress concentration and short distance to vessel component wall. The high stress concentration can be attributed to three parts: global hoop stress that is magnified by the existence of the hole, local stresses due to pressure in the hole, and crack face pressure. In high pressure vessel design, axisymmetric models are used extensively in stress analyses, and their results are subsequently employed to identify critical locations for fracture mechanics evaluation. However, axisymmetric models ignore longitudinal holes and therefore cannot be used to identify the critical location inside the holes. This paper is intended to highlight the importance of including longitudinal holes in fracture mechanics evaluation, and to present a quick and effective way of evaluating high stress concentration at a longitudinal hole using the combined analytical solutions and axisymmetric stress analysis results, identifying critical locations and conducting fracture mechanics evaluation.

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