The purpose of this study is to investigate the vibration mechanism of a spring-loaded valve placed in a “push-to-open” configuration in a piping system. A non-linear theoretical model of the valve vibration is developed to describe the interaction mechanisms between the unsteady flow through the valve, the acoustic field in the piping system, and the oscillation of the valve plate. The aim of this phenomenological model is to better understand the main system parameters causing the valve vibration. The model relies on a one-dimensional unsteady Bernoulli representation of the flow and a single degree of freedom model of the valve plate motion with impact conditions at the valve seat and lift limiter. Impact forces are determined through the means of a pseudo-force method. The model is cast in state-space form and solved using a fourth-order Runge-Kutta stencil. The predicted limit cycle amplitudes follow the same trends as experimental findings over the opening range of the valve. Modal characteristics are also consistent with experimental data.

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