Recently, the authors have proposed a new method for scaling the crack tip stress distribution under small scale yielding condition and named it as T-scaling method [1, 2]. This method identifies the different stress loads for materials with different tensile properties but identical in terms of K or J. Then by accepting the knowledge “fracture stress for slip induced cleavage fracture is temperature independent [3],” a framework to predict the fracture load Pc and fracture toughness Jc at an arbitrary temperature from the already known Pcr and Jcr at a reference temperature Tr was proposed and validated for 0.55% carbon steel JIS S55C [1, 2]. This framework was named as SDS method. This paper presents that the SDS method was valid to predict 1TCT Jc temperature dependency of A533B steel [4] in the range of −9 ≤ T-T0 ≤ 27 °C, where T0 is the master curve reference temperature. The SDS method seems to have a possibility to solve the problem the master curve is facing in the relatively higher temperature region, by requiring only tensile tests.

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