The use of the Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) for Class 2 nuclear piping can be an alternative of the traditional Allowable Stress Design (ASD) method currently used in the ASME Boiler Pressure Vessel Code, Section III, Div. 1 providing the benefit of a known and consistent reliability for the designed piping. The design uncertainties and the necessary safety margin are evaluated for each equation for all service levels by considering the applied loads (e.g., earthquake, deadweight, internal pressure, etc.) and the resistance of steel, in the form of either the yield or ultimate strength, as separate variables described by their mean value, distribution, and coefficient of variation. The procedure yields different partial safety factors for each load and the resistance in opposition to the one safety factor used in each of the ASD equations of the Code. Although LRFD equations have been developed in the past, a range of possible partial safety factors were assigned to the variables, corresponding to different levels of reliability. This paper discusses the method used, namely calibration, for achieving same reliability as in the Code equations, and the progress made to assess a minimum target reliability index or else acceptable probability of failure for the LRFD equations that consider the earthquake load for pressurized pipes as well as the design for internal pressure for Class 2 nuclear pipes made of carbon steel.

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