Nowadays, fiber reinforced composites are widely used in variety of industrial applications such as aircraft structures, automotive, pressure vessels and piping, etc. Aircraft standard fabrication process requires certain level of vacuum compaction (debulking) during the lay-up process, and a standard bagging method for curing in an autoclave. Every compacted component cured in an autoclave needs to be vacuum bagged employing edge breathers or bleeders and surface breathers. This process is repetitive and time consuming, and therefore needs further investigation. In this research, the combined effect of the removal of compaction and edge breathing on the thermomechanical behavior of plain weave woven laminated composites is studied. Tests have been conducted on 12 lamina plain weave composite specimens. Results indicated an insignificant difference on the thermomechanical properties between compacted and non-compacted specimens. Tensile, ILSS, flexural and DSC tests confirm that for the 12 lamina specimens compaction and edge breathing are not needed.

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