Clause UG - 39 of ASME Section VIII Division 1 [1] provide rules for compensation of openings in flat stayed/ flat unstayed heads having fitted nozzles.
The rules provided in Clause UG - 39 and its sub clauses apply to all openings other than small openings covered by UG - 36 (c)(3)(a) and provide rules for compensation of openings to those geometries which confirms to the geometric limitations specified therein.
The rules provided in Clause UG - 39 of ASME Section VIII Division 1 are based on area replacement method. This method is also elaborated in WRC Bulletin 335 Aug 1988[4]. The conclusion of this bulletin is applicable to ASME Section VIII Div 1, ASME Section I, ASME B 31.1 and ASME Section III Class 2 and 3. This method requires that the metal cut out by an opening be replaced by reinforcement within a prescribed zone around the opening. This methodology is relatively simple and vast majority of the piping and pressure vessels with openings conforming to this methodology have given satisfactory service.
In Code [1], as such there appears to be no restriction on the location of the nozzle opening, i.e., a header flat head pierced concentrically or eccentrically to locate the nozzle opening as long as the required area is obtained and the stresses are within allowable limits. While both these alternatives would be acceptable in Code [1] constructions, the actual stresses at the header flat heads/nozzle junction may vary considerably.
The work reported in this paper was undertaken to make a comparative study on the effect of unstayed flat head pierced concentrically or eccentrically by using ASME Section VIII Division 1 and to study the stress pattern in both the cases using Finite Element Analysis (FEA) as a referral methodology.