The applicability of miniature-C(T) (Mini-C(T)) specimens to fracture toughness evaluation was investigated for neutron-irradiated reactor pressure vessel (RPV) steel. By carefully selecting the test temperature, valid fracture toughness and reference temperature (To) were determined successfully with a relatively small number of specimens. The value of To determined using irradiated Mini-C(T) specimens was in good agreement with that determined using irradiated pre-cracked Charpy-type (PCCv) specimens. In addition, the scatter of the 1T-equivalent fracture toughness values obtained using the irradiated Mini-C(T) specimens was not significantly different from that obtained using the irradiated PCCv and other larger unirradiated specimens. The To values determined using Mini-C(T) specimens agree very well with the correlation between the Charpy 41J transition temperature and the To of commercially manufactured RPV steels reported in the past.

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