Vibration is a common problem in industrial facilities which may lead to the propagation of undesired high stress levels induced by the deflection of a component as well as the interaction between different metallic components. In a piping system, a long term excessive vibration may cause fatigue and fretting-wear which may result in system failure. In the present work, excessive vibration problems in a piping system were explored in greater detail. Different sources of vibration, as well as proper approaches to evaluate and assess the integrity of the system, were investigated. A case study of a piping system subjected to flow-induced excitation was assessed. This assessment was established based upon both numerical modeling of the system utilizing CAESAR II software and vibration readings of the piping system while operating in an industrial facility. Furthermore, an experimental modal analysis was implemented using ME’scope software to calibrate the numerical model. Theoretical and operational modal analyses were performed in order to adopt proper modifications to mitigate the excessive vibration.

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