The normal reactor startup (heat-up) and shut-down (cool-down) operation limits are defined by the ASME Code Section XI-Appendix G, to ensure the structural integrity of the embrittled nuclear reactor pressure vessels (RPVs). In the paper, the failure risks of a Taiwan domestic pressurized water reactor (PWR) pressure vessel under various pressure-temperature limit operations are analyzed. Three types of pressure-temperature limit curves established by different methodologies, which are the current operation limits of the domestic RPV based on the KIa fracture toughness curve in 1998 or earlier editions of ASME Section XI-Appendix G, the recently proposed limits according to the KIC fracture toughness curve after the 2001 edition of ASME Section XI-Appendix G, and the risk-informed revision method proposed in MRP-250 report that provides more operational flexibility, are considered. The ORNL’s probabilistic fracture mechanics code, FAVOR, is employed to perform a series of fracture probability analyses for the RPV at multiple levels of embrittlement under such pressure-temperature limit transients. The analysis results indicate that the pressure-temperature operation limits associated with more operational flexibility will result in higher failure risks to the RPV. The shallow inner surface breaking flaw due to the clad fabrication defect is the most critical factor and dominates the failure risk of the RPV under pressure-temperature limit operations. Present work can provide a risk-informed reference for the safe operation and regulation of PWRs in Taiwan.

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